Sparta’s education was based on the military. When a baby was born, girl or boy, and did not appear healthy, they were left on the side of a hill to die. Spartan’s only raised strong and healthy children. At the age of seven, all the children started training to fight. They all learned wrestling, boxing, foot racing, and gymnastics.
Spartan boys lived and trained in barracks. Even though Spartans did not see how reading and writing was important the boys were taught how. The boys in Sparta were taught to control any amount of physical pain without bemoaning. They were not fed well and were encouraged to steal food without being caught. They also marched without any shoes on. At the age of twenty, Spartan men were given a test of fitness, military ability, and leadership skills. If they passed they became Spartan soldiers and full citizens. They still lived, trained and ate in the barracks. Spartan men could not live with their family until they were thirty years old. Even then their military service still continued.
Spartan women lived the same simple life as the Spartan men. They wore plain clothing, no jewelry or perfume. The women were expected to be strong, healthy and know how to fight. The women were also expected to take care of her husband’s property while he was away. She also had to guard it from revolts from the slaves and trespassers. Spartan women had rights that other Greek women did not. They were free to speak to their husband’s friends, they could control their own property and they could marry other men if their husband was away at war for a long time.
Spartans like other Greeks had slaves. Their slaves, also known as helots, were caught while the Spartans took control of their land. There were more slaves than citizens in Sparta. The Spartans treated the slaves harshly because they were afraid that the slaves would fight back and win. The slaves were also forced to work hard on the farms and other jobs their masters gave to them every day. The Spartans gave the slaves some rights. They would be able to marry whenever and wherever they wanted, they could sell the extra crops after they gave their master their share and they could buy their freedom.
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