Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sparta's Religion

Spartans believed in polytheism, which is the belief of many gods. Thirteen of the gods and goddesses were Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos the goddesses of destiny and fate, Atlas the god of burdens who was punished by Zeus for threatening the gods. His punishment was to hold up the sky on his shoulders forever. Zeus was the god of the earth, Adonis the god of desire, Heracles, the son of Zeus and Hera, born a human and turned into a god by Athena, Athena was the goddess of the city and war, Cronus was the father of the gods, Ares was the god of war, Hades the god of the underworld, Dionysus god of wine and a couple of other things, and Pandora the goddesses of curiosity. There are still many gods and goddesses that the Spartans believed in. Spartans held rituals for the gods and goddesses and for their religious beliefs. They had a temple made just for the god Zeus. They also made a temple for Athena.
When a Spartan king died, horsemen went to each town in Sparta and announced the news. The son of the king became the new king after he died. If the king has no son and only daughters, the cousin, brother, or a general would become the new king.


  1. You messed up on the spelling of Kronos the Titan and Father of the gods Zeus, Posiden, and Hades.

  2. Atlas is not a God. Atlas is an titan.

  3. Atlas is not a God. Atlas is an titan.

  4. Their patron god is Ares, the god of war. Go figure.
